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更新时间:2025-03-24 23:32:47

treasury department

英 [ˈtreʒəri diˈpɑ:tmənt]

美 [ˈtrɛʒəri dɪˈpɑrtmənt]


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treasury department


1. the federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances
the Treasury Department was created in 1789

Synonym: Department of the TreasuryTreasuryUnited States Treasury

1. treasury department的解释

1. 美国财政部:(中央社华盛顿2010年1月30日综合外电报导)美国财 政部(Treasury Department)独立监督机构警告说, 政府对金融风暴的因应措施,将使美国在未来可能面临 更严重的危机.

2. 财政部:继1月份反弹至9000点上方后,道琼斯指数目前仅较11月20日创下的5年半低点7552点高出4.5%,财政部(Treasury Department)新公布的救助方案未能重塑市场对银行系统的信心,导致美国银行(Bank of America)、花旗集团(Citigroup)和SunTrust Banks等银行股大幅下挫.

3. (美)财政部:在观察名单中,策略、执行、公司治理...等要素令人欣赏,以及安全程度(margin of safety)高的对象,目前仍是以美国企业居多(而许多优质的非美国企业,也多会选择在美国资本市场上市)美财政部(Treasury Department)统计,在次级房贷事件发生后,

4. 财政部(美):13. National Central Bureaus 国家中心局 | 14. Treasury Department 财政部(美) | 15. Questura 警察局(意)

He has also worked as undersecretary of the Treasury Department for international affairs.(同时也曾担任国际事务财务部门的次长。)
A treasury structure which allows the treasury department of a large, usually multinational-corporation to operate like a bank.(一种资金管理结构,是大公司(通常是跨国公司)的资金管理部门可以采用银行的运作模式。)
At the Treasury Department, Summers's office had a large conference table, with a seating area behind it.(在财务部,萨默斯的办公室有一个很大的会议桌,会议桌后面是一个座位区。)
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